detecting click on godot

hey! i'm short on time, so, let's get to the point...

to detect a click on godot, i had to do a few things:

consider you have a root node in a scene, and consider this scene is a simple object you will have on screen, like the miners in this game

this root node extends KinematicBody2D, in my case

inside the node root node, i have added a Sprite node named "sprite" (this name is important, keep it in mind), and a CollisionShape2D, as you can see below

having a collision-type node as a child of the root node, now you have to set a property in the root, called "Pickable", set it to "On"

since the miner is now pickable, let's code its script (more explanation right after)

func _input(event):
    if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
        if $sprite.global_position.distance_to(get_global_mouse_position()) < $sprite.texture.get_width() / 2:
            open_popup() # or do whatever you want with the click
            close_popup() #the click is not on the image

the _input(event) function can be "overriden" by any node

if it's a mouse input, and the mouse button is being pressed (any button goes), then we have to check if the mouse is where we want to detect the click

in this case, i'm checking if the mouse position is inside the sprite

remember the name "sprite"? in godot, using $<name>, just like $sprite above, is the quickest way to reference a child node by name when you're in the root note script

the function get_global_mouse_position has the mouse position, and $sprite also has a position, so...

checking the distance between them solves the question...

if the distance is shorter than half the image width (the image position is its center), you can deduce the mouse is over the image

this works for square images only

i'm pretty sure there's a better way to check this, how about commenting here?

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